A development docker is built every couple days with tag of next or 6.1.0 (it does not yet have the pieces in it that will support the auto-upgrade).
If you have contributed any time/resources to the project and want to be on the acknowledgments page, then just let me know at brady.g.miller@gmail.com and will get you in (this is on the wiki page at OpenEMR Acknowledgments - OpenEMR Project Wiki and in the acknowledgements page in OpenEMR)
Tried out the demos. Fantastic. The UIs are excellent. Its a quantum leap. The one under PHP 8.0 does not seem to well though. The UI is a bit doggie. Some of the menu item and screen seem to have lost typography. I am sure it will ok when released.
Great job, guys. Is the same user guide applicable for this release?
hi @PeteBoyd ,
The feature list still under construction and can find it here (so far just have copied the stuff from patches, still need to look through all the commits since last release and then need to organize, consolidate, clean it up): Release Features - OpenEMR Project Wiki
Thanks @brady.miller.
Being as some of these improvements aren’t new to 6.1, but instead came in with 6.0.0 Patch 4, and Patch 3, etc, I would recommend indicating that in the list.