
otari wrote on Monday, November 14, 2005:

A few weeks ago I wrote a message asking about an HL7 interface for openemr. Unfortunately I didn’t get any takers, but I did find a great product that is a real time 2 way sender/receiver. There is one slight problem of course. It appears that the pid for each added patient from the practice mananger software contains a few letters to identify the location of the practice. The pid field in the patient_data table is bigint. If I change this field to accept the letter characters then there are several hiccups in the patient records retrieval. Would any have some insight as to how to get the table and the rest of openemr to use this data. If there is a work around for having the internal pid be auto incremented I could use pubpid or even add another column for the external pid. I do have to keep this number attatched to the patient for sending the superbill info back to the practice management software. Any ideas at all would be great.

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, November 14, 2005:

It seems reasonable to use pubpid for this.  Send me a note if you’d like some help in getting it all working.

– Rod (
rod at sunsetsystems dot com

otari wrote on Tuesday, November 15, 2005:

Thanks Rod,
This morning the practice management techs actually started sending real data to openemr. It turns out that the management software assigns a “chart #” to the patient as well. This “chart #” is all numeric. I will be able to use pubpid for the management software’s pid and the “chart #” for openemr’s pid.
Thanks again

voipbound wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2008:

Can U share your experience with the community?  What was the software and how did you developed that interface.