Physician and Fee Sheet

nshim08 wrote on Thursday, March 25, 2010:

I am trying to sort out whose responsibilty it is to do the following :

   Fill in “Encounter” ? physician(or physican assistant or nurse) ?
   Fill in “Fee Sheet” ? Billing personnel or nurse or physician?

appreicate any advice and direction

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, March 25, 2010:


Encounter form should be primarily filled by physicians. But clinicians (nurse) also having permission to fill it.
Fee sheet can be filled up by either physicians,clinician(nurse) or accountant. But billing is restricted for clinician.

It is possible to assign the specific access roles to OpenEMR users(like restricting the fee sheet to clinician) via Administration -> ACL -> groups and access controls.

VicarePlus Team,