PHP Report Tool Reportico (FYI)

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, April 30, 2015:


I have found a PHP reporting tool that works well out the box. It is a quick solution to making canned reports that don’t require user input.

It can be found here

You simply install it and add SQL query and it cranks out a report based on the query. I had it up and displaying a report in 15 mins following the to tutorial.

I am trying to figure out a way to integrate it so that it will use user input parameters.

mdsupport wrote on Thursday, April 30, 2015:

We had played with this few months ago. Our approach was to install it in application directory which gave it access to openemr code. With “App” functionality, now you should be able to inherit the authentication and run reports in standalone mode without the mess of updating left_nav and managing frames.

BTW: Most useful feature was reliable PDF output.

juggernautsei wrote on Sunday, May 03, 2015:

Where you all to configure it to allow user input for query parameters?