Is there a way that a PHP file during execution can determine it’s own place in the file structure relative to the web root? I guess this would be the same as knowing it’s URL.
I thought I had a full proof way of coming up with it, but it turned out to be flawed and overly complicated.
It would save me from hardcoding it into the file.
Basically, I want a PHP page to use Javascript to open another page when a button is pressed. The open function in JS needs the URL of the PHP page to be opened. If I hard code it into the PHP file where the JS resides and the file is moved to another directory, it will be broken.
__FILE__ produces:
which is close to what I need but from below openemr4 (or whatever the webroot will be named)
which is not helpful in my case
$PHP_SELF would have been the most useful, but it is empty for some reason.
Thanks! Here is how I get the path I want from what you gave me:
$myself = __FILE__;
$myself2 = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$myarray01 = explode("/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
$mywebroot = $myarray01[1];
$myarray02 = explode($mywebroot,$myself);
$mywantedpath = $myarray02[1];
echo "<h4>absolute path to this file is: $myself</h4>";
echo "<h4>relative web path to the file that called this file is: $myself2</h4>";
echo "<h4>and webroot is: $mywebroot</h4>";
echo "<h4>and wanted path is: $mywantedpath</h4>";
The output is:
absolute path to this file is: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/openemr4/interface/forms/flexiform/new.php
relative web path to the file that called this file is: /openemr4/interface/patient_file/encounter/load_form.php
and webroot is: openemr4
and wanted path is: /interface/forms/flexiform/new.php
I want to be able to call php files from a my new.php form page with Javascript. The pages I call up will be in the same form directory. It is complicated by the fact that the new.php file is not called up directly but is included in another file - load_form.php - first.