tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, July 28, 2010:
At OSCON I took a 4 hour tutorial on PHP QA topics and found the following tools that I think we should make use of …
1) PhpUnit (we are starting that but I’m not sure what our ‘standards’ should be)
2) Selenium - This tool records actions on a web browsers and produces PHPUnit tests that can be remotely rerun against multiple browsers and produce error reports
3) PHP Codesniffer - (phpcs) allows you to define rules for standard adherence and report on it (understands PHP version issues and code formats by default)
4) PHP Code duplication analysis - phpcd - compares code for identical lines to help promote moving duplicated code to classes/functions
5) PHP code analyzers - pdepend, phpmd - produces complexity reports, codesize, etc …
6) phpcb from - consumes the output of above tools to produce pretty reports
7) - has a tool for graphically managing builds, kind of a super cron with built in stuff for how to send notices depending on the results, etc.
And …
for documentation
8) phpdoc or doxygen - both pull the docs from the source code and can produce browsable HTML sites.
I think we should look at configuring ‘phpcs’ for first pass code reviews to start with.