I I have installed openemr in xaapp–>htdocs—>openemr. Now i want to setup php & mySql with this openemr.
Please let me know, how i can set up these two to Openemr.
Please post your questions in the Help or OpenEMR Users Forums, and try to keep them in the same thread also. Lots of development traffic going on and your questions can easily get swallowed by them. I’m assuming your still using windows. Did you download ‘Windows OpenEMR XAMPP package’ available here? (if not, let me know the version of mysql and php you are using): http://www.oemr.org/modules/wiwimod/index.php
If so, then the installation instructions are here: http://www.oemr.org/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=WindowsXamppPackageInstallation
As long as you follow above instructions, then php and mysql will be set up correctly. Let us if it works for you.