Phone number data type in LBFs

To the developer of the LBF forms:

It would be quite useful to have a field type of “telephone number”.

Right now, phone numbers can be entered as free text, so scanning my patient list I see phone numbers looking like:

(333) 444-5555
444 555 6666

and various permutations on the above, depending on who happened to key them that day.

It would be nice to have a field type that casts the phone numbers to one uniform style, and even better, allows you just to key in the digits without punctuation.

Just looked at the multitude of diverse phone number formats used through the world, so one phone number field format would be difficult to implement for everyone.

Perhaps permitting a formatting string in the field description, or as a global variable like “(###) ###-###” for US numbers or

“+##-##########” for European numbers would work.

Hello @Wizard353

It require modification of source code

I expect that it would. It is a feature that I would request the developers consider for addition to the next iteration of the LBF form generators.

If you need - i can help you with that implementation

Contact me to discuss further -