Pharmacy doubt

shihabkb wrote on Wednesday, October 07, 2009:

Dear All,

I have set inhouse_pharmacy of globals.pho = true. Now I can see the Inventory link. And I can add drug. Is it possible to bill for my Prescriptions ?

Thanks and Regards

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 08, 2009:


Yes, you can bill. Check out this instruction set to get a brief overview of the module:

After you add the drug, then click ‘Add’ link in the drug row in order to add the drug units quantity to your inventory.

Then, when you add a prescription, and choose your drug, click the ‘Save and Dispense’ button after typing in the quantity and price. It will then create a popup with the drug label. To see charge go to ‘Fees’->‘checkout’ . Just tested this on 3.1.0, and seems to work.
