We have an openemr based on a single docker , however While perfroming the perfromance testing using testing tools like Jmeter we are faced “site id is missing from session data” .
However in multiple browser sessions we are not facing the same issue, only while using Jmeter with concurrent request we are facing the issue.
We learned that this similar issue occurs in multi instance platforms [ eg: kubernetes pods replicas] but there we got fixed via redis caching [verified in multiple browser sessions ]
However while we perform testing using Jmeter only we are facing same issues in both single and multi instances
BTW are you performance testing the API or the user interface? I’d be interested to know what are your target load goals? With the API I’ve hit 150 concurrent requests using a single docker image running on AWS against an OpenEMR installation with 125K patients.
@adunsulag - We are trying to do the performance testing for UI Interface.
We have examined the Cookie Manager and tried again. But its not working out.
Is there any configurations that we need to include in Jmeter?
So all the load testing I did was with the API. From what I remember in the UX the cookies get deleted if an invalid CSRF token is sent. Unfortunately, I’m finishing up a project for our ONC certification so I can’t dive deeper into this for at least the next couple of days. Hopefully someone else in the forum may have some ideas of what you can do here.
Sorry I’m not, fighting a cold for the last 4 days and still not finished with ONC work. If you’ve truly configured the CookieManager properly, then you’ll have to do what I’d end up doing as a developer and use xdebug and step through the SessionUtils logic when the cookie is deleted, look at the stack trace and try to step backwards through the stack to figure out why the cookie is being deleted.