Pennington Firm OpenEMR Setup ERROR writing

aohl wrote on Wednesday, April 27, 2005:

Pennington Firm OpenEMR Setup

Step 4

Writing SQL Configuration to disk… ERROR. Could not open config file ‘library/sqlconf.php’ for writing.

I am a newbie and cant work out why I cant access this file!
the whole openemr folder/sub-dirs are group =root and user=root.

I get that far through the install and then this?? help

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, April 27, 2005:

The web server is wrinting to this file.  Web servers run under special very limited permissions for security reasons.  You need to change the permissions on


to allow this to take place.  As the root user

chmod  777 YourRealPath/library/sqlconf.php

Then change the permissions back to more secure permissions after completing the setup

chmod 644 YourRealPath/library/sqlconf.php

We can help more if you give us your operating system and the path to sqlconf.php.