teryhill wrote on Saturday, February 14, 2015:
Does anyone have any pediatric forms that they would be willing to share?
teryhill wrote on Saturday, February 14, 2015:
Does anyone have any pediatric forms that they would be willing to share?
fsgl wrote on Saturday, February 14, 2015:
Hi Terry,
If no other response, try contacting James Kay, D.O.. He is the only forum member that I can recall who is a Pediatrician.
The other option is to create your own via this.
It’s been more than 3 decades since I practised Pediatrics but I can look over the form before you submit it to the client.
blankev wrote on Saturday, February 14, 2015:
In the OpenEMR path go to:
OpenEMR/contrib/Forms/… here you will find the following:
To activate these Forms you have to copy them to:
Now in OpenEMR local version you go to Administration => Forms => Register => Give it it Category name and/or Nickname.
Whenever you make an encounter you can click om the name of the Form under the saved Category or Nickname. If you forget to give it a name you find the new forms under miscellaneous.
No guarantee for the perfect pediatric form not even a guarantee if they work or not. But it might give you a hint on what you can do to make the Forms more specific and to your likings.
teryhill wrote on Sunday, February 15, 2015:
thanks guys I will try to contact Dr Kay. I say and am working with those forms that you mentioned. I will be sure to run any form I come up with past you guys.
Off on another OpenEmr adventure.
teryhill wrote on Sunday, February 15, 2015:
Dr Kay’s e-mail link in broken. I guess it is roll-your-own time.