Payment posting

dkdipak wrote on Monday, April 14, 2014:

Hi Team,

Just wanted to know, Is there any way to transfer the whole billed amount to patient responsibility, when the insurance denies the claims? One way to post it through “batch payments”, but its too lengthy.

Is there anyway if there can be one option in Quick payment form to select “payment from” and all other fields get enabled?


fsgl wrote on Monday, April 14, 2014:

Billing Manager has the EOB button which will handle zero payments.

Enter zero for the payment amount, click the W link and enter an adjustment reason. The balance is not really being written off. If “to deductible” or “to copay” is chosen, the adjustment will appear as a patient balance.

If you need other reasons, such as non-covered service, for applying the balance to the patient; it can be done in Administration/Lists/Adjustment Reasons.

The zero payment must be documented. Can’t just do a receipt and collect balance from the patient. Should details of this charge be required in future, staff must have the documentation to answer patient inquiries.

dkdipak wrote on Wednesday, April 16, 2014:

Hi fsgl,

Thanks for the quick help.

Can you please guide me, when I have posted the primary insurance payment then the balance directly gets transferred to patient if not then how to know if the balance is transferred?


fsgl wrote on Wednesday, April 16, 2014:

It was my pleasure.

A quick way to double check that the balance has been applied to the patient is by navigating from Patient/Client->Visits->Visit History to the Billing View.

In the last column for “Bal”, there should be the outstanding balance. The name of the insurance will be in black, which means that their EOB has been processed. Under that “patient” should be in red, which means that the patient is responsible for the outstanding balance.

If there is still more uncertainty, go into the EOB Posting Invoice to triple check. A user can get there by double clicking under the “Code” column for a particular encounter.

cmswest wrote on Saturday, November 22, 2014:

I noticed that when you post an insurance payment you have to choose “Done with ins 1” in order for the balance to move to the next responsible party, like patient due. Couldn’t the logic just move that ahead if you just posted a payment for say ins 1 to eliminate this extra click?

Also, when you save or delete a payment from this screen you’re left with either a blank page or sql jargon for the deleted records which you have to close. The user should probably be returned to the past encounter list->billing view.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, November 22, 2014:

One reason for requiring “Done with” step is the fact that insurers don’t always process a same day claim with multiple charges on the same EOB. Any charge not addressed is still out to Insurance 1, so user must refrain from “Done with”.

Another associated problem is resubmission of an unpaid claim with paid claims. I’m still pondering about a workaround.

It would be very helpful to be able to navigate back to Billing View.

cmswest wrote on Sunday, November 23, 2014:

Good points trusty fsgl, thank you.

Maybe checking done with ins could come down to a line item by line item decision?

If a payment is posted to a specific cpt then that item would be done with ins and the next responsible party in line would be assigned the balance?

fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 23, 2014:

Line item “Done with” would be a welcomed improvement.

It may also solve the resubmission problem.

Sounds like a whole boatload of coding revamp.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 23, 2014:

Should I change my first name to Fidelis or Fido (faithful, trusty)?

But frugality engenders more money than fidelity.

OK, that settles it; no name change.

Just joshing.

Honest Abe & Fido

More about Fido & Presidential Pets.

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, March 10, 2015:

I’m going to have to add funny to that list.

Unfortunately I have to add a bug to the above list of features desired.

When a user enters a payment against the invoice balance, it is not reflected in the billing summary or on the eob page.

I’ve attached the items in the payments table on the 4.2.0 demo and the item in question is the $500, which understandably has an encounter value of 0.

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, March 23, 2015:

Not sure I understand the “Invoice balance” option. In OpenEMR an invoice is an encounter. An encounter value of 0 might make sense for a “payment on account”. ZH added this stuff a while back… anyone know what the intent was?


cmswest wrote on Monday, March 23, 2015:

i do not know of the intent but i assume that by choosing invoice balance the payments could be distributed against the individual encounters that have a patient balance due starting from the oldest date of service