Patient report file generating for print

teevee70 wrote on Wednesday, May 04, 2016:

Hi colleagues. It is really small issue but really bait me. After upgrade form 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 I observe problem with generated patient report file for print .
I use CAMOS module and Graphical Pain map. Previously in 4.2.0 generated sequence for patient file (custom_report.php) was 1st CAMOS than 2nd Pain Map. In 4.2.1 is patient file generated in reverse order . How can I adjust or modify it.
Thank you for your help

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, May 04, 2016:

Try the print in reverse function on the printer.

If that fails, select the forms individually & print in desired order.

If individual selection is not acceptable, a kind soul will have to help with the code change.