Patient Reminders

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, October 05, 2013:

In case anyone is interested in controlling patient reminder emails, this script allows cron approach.

Quick instructions:

  1. Identify/Set up an entry from ‘Clinical Rule Action Item’ list (xxx => description).
  2. Identify/Set up clinical rule(s) to generate reminders of type xxx.
  3. Create a message template record in automatic_notification with subject = description from step 1.
  4. Expect ‘{patient_data.fieldname}’ to be replaced by patient_data.field value (e.g. “Dear {lname}, {fname}:” will result in “Dear Doe, John:”).
  5. Set up cron with argument as subj=xxx where xxx is patient_reminder item.

Unlike sms_email_reminder feature this script exclusively uses MTA support from OS - no smtp libraries are used.

juggernautsei wrote on Saturday, October 10, 2015:

Will this script work for appointment reminders?
Also, what is MTA?