robertovasquez wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
Patient -> summary ->Patient reminders widget shows"No active patient reminders." ; How I can have some reminders in the Main tab.
robertovasquez wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
Patient -> summary ->Patient reminders widget shows"No active patient reminders." ; How I can have some reminders in the Main tab.
fsgl wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
See this as relates to Patient Reminders for MU.
If we are talking about patient recalls, to remind patients it’s time for the annual checkup (having nothing to do with MU), see this instead.
fsgl wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
There is presently no module for sending recalls with postcards via snail mail.
robertovasquez wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
Patient Reminders for MU. It works. Thanks fsgl
fsgl wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:
It was my pleasure.