I have a patient for many years, his whole family is in a patient doctor bond with our practice. All time this patient was open minded and happy to share his thoughts and medical history with all his family. This suddenly changed when confronted with a positive HIV test. Although I tried to convince him, he is not (yet) willing to share this novum with his family. Is there a way to keep this out of the Patient Portal information or should I just NOT enter information in his file?
His family has no viewing rights of my personal desktop computer.
Question: Is there a hide show button to certain information for Patient Portal?
I’m assuming you’re talking about the onsite patient portal. Note that you’re patient will have unique login credentials that only allows patient his/her own medical records. So, unless the patient’s family is watching as the patient logs in to see his health information, there is no way they can see the patient is HIV positive. Is the patient wanting to show his family(I’m hoping you are referring to extended family) the website to be “open” about his health but then hide the HIV status; in that case probably best to not enter it into his record.
your assumptions are correct. I will tell the patient that via Patient Portal he should not give his family viewing rights or he should be aware that I, for now, will not enter this very special medical encounter in his file. Both is incorrect for a complete medical file and good family relations, but the doctor might remember his HIV status and have to remember him to tell all other doctors he might be visiting and this is the only way to go with OEMR.