Patient ledger add in

teryhill wrote on Saturday, October 03, 2015:

This is the start.

Input Please



bradymiller wrote on Sunday, October 04, 2015:

Hi Terry,
I placed a review on github.

teryhill wrote on Tuesday, October 06, 2015:

Latest commit on this is here


teryhill wrote on Tuesday, October 06, 2015:

I am looking for things to add. I am thinking it would be useful to print a patient statement from here to give to the patient should they request one at checkout.

What else would be nice to have while interacting with the patient while completing the billing process?



juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, October 08, 2015:

what does the ledger do?

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 08, 2015:

Hi Terry,

I rebased your current code into 1 commit and placed a code review on it here:


fsgl wrote on Thursday, October 08, 2015:


A patient ledger is essentially a listing of all charges, payments & adjustments. In OpenEMR it’s the Billing View of Past Encountrs & Documents but with more details.

Periodically patients will request a copy of their ledgers to tally their annual out-of-pocket expenses for tax purposes or to provide proof to qualify for subsidized housing.

teryhill wrote on Thursday, October 08, 2015:

I made those changes and sent up the commit.

Thanks fsgl for the explaniation .


tmccormi wrote on Thursday, October 08, 2015:

It’s also useful for staff to get a better view of the details of a patients record to help them or resolve disputes. Very standard tool in all good Practice Management systems since the 80’s

bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:

Hi Terry,

Code looks good and it appears from the feedback that this feature is important, so committed it to the codebase. Thanks for yet another nice contribution!


arnabnaha wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:

A minor issue -
When you click on “Print Ledger” button after generating the ledger, the printout comes out with a missing DOB of the patient. That place remains vacant.


arnabnaha wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:

Noticed another issue -
(Sorry for partly noting issues)

In the generated print report, Beside Patient it shows the patient ID rather than the Name of the patient Image below

tmccormi wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:

Just giving credit where due; Rich G of WMT wrote this contribution of one of our cusomters and Teryy polished it up for the community


teryhill wrote on Tuesday, October 20, 2015:

Made a few small changes. I added an option to print the next appointment date at the bottom of the ledger and added the phone number and tax id for the facility to the print out. The program has globals that will allow the user to set the beginning date ( 2 years , 1 year, 6 month, 3 months, 1 month and 1 day) these are just default start dates on the calendar, the user can still change them. The print next appointment date is also set by user.

Here is a popular scenario with my users , The front desk sets the default date to 1 day and print the next appoint date to on. They use it as a receipt for that days visit.

Here is the commit for the appointment date change Added next appointment option and fixed the facility address · teryhill/openemr@7aaab57 · GitHub

The ledger has been committed to the code base (Thanks Brady) I still have some more Ideas and they will be coming.


teryhill wrote on Tuesday, October 20, 2015:

Also this has the new print changes the Rod put in place for the MU2 testing.

So you will have to change it for the systems not on the latest release or pull the latest codebase items.

If you want the changes here they are
comment out this section of code
line 355 thru 358

$(document).ready(function() {
var win = top.printLogSetup ? top :;

and change line 443 from this

to this


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, October 20, 2015:

Hi Terry,
Placed some comments on github. Looking forward to seeing this ledger take over the world.

teryhill wrote on Tuesday, October 20, 2015:

Narf Brain

Next commit


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, October 21, 2015:

Hi Terry,
Just committed this feature(patient appt in the ledger) to the codebase (I made a couple minor changes in a commit following this).
thanks for the contribution!