In the contact section of patient demographics, in the phone number fields, the database converts my input (e.g. 0044 123 456789) into a predefined format (e.g. 004-412-345-6789). I do not want this, I want the information to appear exactly as I enter it. (I am in Europe where phone number format conventions are different to the USA). How can I change this?
Another problem is that if I open patient demographics at a later date to modify/add some information, I find that the phone numbers I have entered are missing three or four of the last digits. How can I stop this happening?
I have found the following works, and for the moment does not seem to have caused any problems.
As root go to /var/www/openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics_full.php
Look for following code at end of script and delete it:
// fix inconsistently formatted phone numbers from the database
var f = document.forms;
if (f.form_phone_contact) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_contact,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_home ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_home ,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_biz ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_biz ,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_cell ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_cell ,mypcc);
Don’t forget to back up an original version of the php file before modifying it.