Patient demographics - phone number format

rdh61 wrote on Friday, August 27, 2010:


In the contact section of patient demographics, in the phone number fields, the database converts my input (e.g. 0044 123 456789) into a predefined format (e.g. 004-412-345-6789). I do not want this, I want the information to appear exactly as I enter it. (I am in Europe where phone number format conventions are different to the USA). How can I change this?

Another problem is that if I open patient demographics at a later date to modify/add some information, I find that the phone numbers I have entered are missing three or four of the last digits. How can I stop this happening?

Many thanks.

rdh61 wrote on Monday, August 30, 2010:

Is there really no way of getting OpenEMR to save phone number data exactly as I enter it?

rdh61 wrote on Monday, August 30, 2010:

I have found the following works, and for the moment does not seem to have caused any problems.

As root go to /var/www/openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics_full.php

Look for following code at end of script and delete it:

// fix inconsistently formatted phone numbers from the database
var f = document.forms;
if (f.form_phone_contact) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_contact,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_home   ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_home   ,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_biz    ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_biz    ,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_cell   ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_cell   ,mypcc);

Don’t forget to back up an original version of the php file before modifying it.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 31, 2010:

Thanks for posting this. Can you please post this in the bug tracker, so one of the developers will remember to fix this issue.

rdh61 wrote on Tuesday, August 31, 2010:
