Patient centric vs. Provider centric

baldwinian wrote on Monday, February 01, 2010:


From working with OpenEMR one fact leaps out at me: the data model is patient centric and so is the user interface. I am faced with a situation wherein I need to demo the product to a bunch of doctors who see the world through a provider centric  lens. When the provider logs in to the system the only way he/she can get information is by making a patien current. Question: can I modify the system to display ALL activity for a provider on a screen when he/she logs in?

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 04, 2010:

What exact features are you looking for? (now the calendar and notes(messages) show up when log in without a patient.

baldwinian wrote on Thursday, February 04, 2010:

Hi Brady:

I am thinking it will be good for the doctor to be able to see all his/her activity for the day…notes, lab orders, x-ray results to read and such. I realize that we can use the notes to direct the provider to the relevant activity. We are testing this out in a demo to a few providers in our ongoing proof-of-concept at a medical group. Will return to the forum with the findings. Thanks for picking up on this.