In the recent email ’ Patch 4 for OpenEMR 6.0.0 Released’ there is an unbsubscribe link. This is just:
a) This should be a link to an automatic unsbscribe?
b) If you send an email to this it bounces: ‘Leave failed, not a member’ (it was sent from the same email address that the original email was sent to).
Hi @jons ,
The email address should be working (it has already received a couple unsubscribe requests since the patch announcement today and I just sent a test email to it). It’s not “automatic”, but if you send an email requesting to unsubscribe to that email address, then you will be removed from the list. If that email address is still not working for you, just send me your request (with your email address) to brady.g.miller@gmail and will remove you from the list.
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