mmfsystems wrote on Monday, January 09, 2012:
Title: Page get refreshed when user tries to sort messages.
Provided by:
MMF - Internal Issue Management System Bug ID: bug#123
Title: Page get refreshed when user tries to sort messages using sorting icon in the message page.
Description: Pagination was applied to the message page but when user moves to other page from first page and tries to sort any field he comes back to the first page
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Log into application
2. Go to Messages
3. Click on “See All” link.
4. Click on sorting icon on any field (i.e. From, Patient, Type, Date, Status).
5. Verify the sorted page.
Reason: The error was resolved by replacing showall with show_all.
SourceForge Tracker Link: &aid=3388876&group_id=60081
Code Contribution Location/ GitHub Branch Link : commits/mmfsystems-bug-fixes
Suggestions and reviews are welcome from the community.
- Regards,
Devender Pal Singh
MMF Systems Inc.