This feature worked in previous versions of Chrome and Firefox, apparently the current versions of these browser don’t respect the CSS page-break-after: always anymore. It breaks after the first page, but never again.
Has anyone found a reliable way to control HTML page breaks,
I would appreciate anyone looking at this solution that almost, but does not quite work. This seems like it would be simple, but it has never been simple.
This change works good in Chrome with margins and headers turned off or in Firefox if you select to shrink the pages to 90% or 95%
But … for some reason there is a blank first page, and the first superbill on the list comes out blank, that is if there are 5 appts to print you get 6 pages, 2 blank and four good.
Hi Tony,
Added your code to my test version. It works great with proper pagebreak between two superbills. Checked it out in both chrome and firefox. works great in both. The first superbill was populated with the patient name and address and proper Patient ID in my case
Interesting. What OS are you running Arnab. I consistently lose the first Superbill in days wortho of appts. In using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (same client and server)