Packaging and Upgrading

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, December 18, 2008:

This is to let everyone know that I checked in a script sql_upgrade.php to simplify the database upgrade process when moving from one release to another.  It is run similarly to acl_upgrade.php and prompts you for the old version number.  There are some companion changes to sql/*upgrade.sql files, and the README.

Also there will be a Debian package for the upcoming release; it will work with both Debian and Ubuntu.


voipbound wrote on Saturday, December 20, 2008:

Oh, this is wonderful.  I am having alot of issues with upgrading and data problems.  ICD9, medications and EDI are inconsistently registered into the new openemr.  Specifically, ICD9 is not entered into EDI output to be sent to Office Ally.  Then, when it does, only one diagnosis is entered.  With the prescription in the CAMOS, some meds is entered when submitted.  Others just not…