OpenEMR Windows GUI Install Ready

openemrhq wrote on Tuesday, March 25, 2008:

As promised, we’ve just uploaded the final version of the Windows OpenEMR installation program to our servers. The software makes sure everyting you need to run OpenEMR is there, configured and functioning properly, and walks you through the OpenEMR configuration and installation process by a simple ‘question and answer’ process. Similar to the web configurator distributed with OpenEMR, this software provides Windows users with a more familiar install experience.

Get it here:

Dave Kennerson
OpenEMR HQ, Inc

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, March 25, 2008:

The link gives me a 404… typo?  By the way is your installer GPL?


aperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, March 25, 2008:

I also get a 404…?
