OpenEMR Versions Roadmap

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, December 19, 2009:


It’s time to start thinking about getting a release out. Here is the current plan:

- Increment development tip to 3.3.0-dev
- Branch 3.2.0-dev in the CVS for testing/internationalization and plan the official release in early February 2010
- Avoid anymore 3.1.0 patches unless critical (to save resources)

Note all the cool cvs demos exist for all these branches in the [. I’m gonna make a separate 3.2.0 release forum thread for testing etc.


  :]([1].+I'm+gonna+make+a+separate+3.2.0+release+forum+thread+for+testing+etc. -brady ++[1]%3A+[url][%2Furl])

ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, December 22, 2009:


I will plan to test - is there any compiled listing of upgrade changes needed for 3.2 (or even better an upgrade script like those for 3.0 to 3.1)?  Testing on the site is difficult because it wipes clean every night, and I want to try to use a copy of real data to assure no glitches there as well.  So my preferred is to actually setup a copy on my Windows XP machine.

Also, is there any features listing for 3.2 which has not been covered in the 3.1 patches?

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, December 23, 2009:


Upgrade and install pocess is the same as previous versions (the 3.2 version snapshots can be found on the wiki download page).

The key new feature is the Layout-Based Forms, which Pimm is documenting . Try all LBF features and see if you can break it. Also, we’ve hopefully cleaned up all apotrophe issues (with both magic quotes on and off), so see if you can break OpenEMR anywhere with apostrophes (note the demos have magic quotes off).

