OpenEMR - The Book?

fsgl wrote on Saturday, December 21, 2013:

Is this new news or old news?

The book

Available for Rs. 1458 or $23.52 at BOOKadda.

Unavailable at Amazon UK.

No reviews nor quick peek inside to provide more information about the book, but the summary sounds familiar.

Is it a cobbling together of the Wiki articles (“High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!”)?

The authors are not predominately Health Information Technology writers, as shown here.

blankev wrote on Saturday, December 21, 2013:

An impressive list of books written by these two (?) authors. Only available through bookseller in India.

May be someone can show us some insider info about the contnet, relevancy, version and date published?

yehster wrote on Saturday, December 21, 2013:

It’s a “fake”
This title by the same authors:
was denounced by MIT Professor Walter Lewin/Youtube celebrity himself as an attempt to cash in on his name.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, December 21, 2013:

The reason the book summary rings a bell is because it had been lifted verbatim from the Features webpage.

According to the EBay listing, it was published in 2012 and “Certain data records © 2013 Bowker”(copyright?).

Cut & paste, yes.

Plagiarism, yes; but perhaps not illegal.

gnu 1

Pimm, are your animating fingers twitching yet?

gnu 2