OpenEMR student project

didi99603 wrote on Tuesday, October 30, 2012:

I am a Masters of Biomedical Informatics student at Oregon Health and Science University.  I have had an interest in OpenEMR as an open source EHR/practice management solution.  I think it provides a great alternative to commercial products.  I have explored the software in coursework projects, and am currently doing a 3 month internship working on an implementation plan for a local clinic using OpenEMR.  Dr. Bowen has been wonderful in mentoring me in this project.  I have been learning a lot, and hope to share information with the users here on the forum.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, October 30, 2012:

Hi Diane,

Welcome to the project/community. Looking forward to hearing about your progress. Please feel free to use the wiki, if helpful.
