OpenEMR software download

adis1983 wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but once I download zip file that’s where I am stuck. What should I do next? I tried all 4 different files they have on there. I am using windows 7. Do I need to install something again after I unzip folder on my computer? Please help

bgregg wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:


Which file did you download? The Windows download file that includes XAMPP can be found here:

The installation instructions are found here, depending if you want it ran as a service or not as a service:

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Brad Gregg

adis1983 wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

I have a problem with localhost. It will not bring up log in page. Any suggestions?

bgregg wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

Sounds like you may have installed XAMPP to not run automatically. In that case, browse to whichever drive you saved XAMPP to (typically C:) and double-click the “xampp-control” application. Once that application window is up, click the Start buttons next to the Apache and MySql. You should then be able to pull up “localhost/xampp” or “localhost/openemr” in your web browser.

If that resolves your issue, just create a desktop shortcut to “xampp-control” and you can start those services quicker, without navigating through folders.

  • Brad Gregg

bgregg wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

*correction on the above post:

In that case, browse to whichever drive you saved XAMPP to (typically C:), go to the xampp folder, and double-click the “xampp-control” application.

adis1983 wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

Thank you for your response, but it is not working yet :-/

adis1983 wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

Ok it’s finally working thanks a lot. Can I start using this program to put my patients’ files in? Or is this just a demo? Also, if yes how do I get my own user name and password so no one else can see my patients’ info? Thank you

bgregg wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

Did starting the services fix it?

You now have the full version of OpenEMR on your system, and can start putting your patients in to the system. To create your own username/password, go to the Administration menu and select Users. From there, click Add User, and voila! Another option is just to change the default admin user password once logged in by going to the Miscellaneous menu and selecting Password.

The last part of your question is pretty open. It depends on if you are the only person that uses your computer. Since you installed it locally to your machine, the only person(s) that can access it are those that have access to that specific machine. Even then, it takes an active login for someone to see your patient data, assuming the services are even running.

adis1983 wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2012:

Yes starting services fixed it!! Thank you very much