OpenEMR Setup.php Error

aball65 wrote on Saturday, February 11, 2012:

OpenEMR newbie here.  I’m trying to install OpenEMR on a hosted domain (bluehost) and get the following error when running the setup.php script:

Creating user with permissions for database… ERROR when granting privileges to the specified user. unable to execute SQL: ‘GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON xxxx_openemr.* TO ‘openemr’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘xxxx’’ due to: Access denied for user ‘xxxc’@‘localhost’ to database ‘xxxx_openemr’

Any ideas?


aball65 wrote on Monday, February 13, 2012:

The bluehost MySQL database owner does not have grant privileges.  However, they provide a tool as part of their cpanel for creating databases, users and granting user privileges.  I used this tool for granting the necessary privileges.