OpenEMR Setup - Fedora Core 4

gensib wrote on Monday, February 13, 2006:

I followed this step-by-step.

By: Sam Bowen - drbowen 
Instructions for Installing OpenEMR on FedoraCore 

1. OpenEMR prerequisites. (Most of these have already been included with FedoraCore) 
* Apache 
* Mysql 
* PHP 
2. Checking for MySQL Setup: 
* Applications 
* System Settings 
* Server Settings 
* Services 
3. You’ll need to enter the root password here. 
4. Look for the service mysqld and check its status. It should be “mysqld is running” 
5. Since this is a new install, I’m assuming you have not yet set a root password for the mysqld. If not, start the demon with the start button at the top. 

Setting a root password for mysqld is not strictly necessary for normal function, but it does increase security. Without setting the root password, a malicious user would have full control of your data without having to know any passwords. 

In addition, the OpenEMR setup program is assuming that this password has already been set. 

To set the root password for the mysqld: 

1. $ mysqladmin -u root password "yournewpassword" 
2. You should be able to log onto MySQL using 
3. $ mysql -u root -p mysql 

Almost always permissions on the new OpenEMR database are the problem. For a new install, just let the OpenEMR setup.php script create the database. Your mysql root user and password will do the trick. 

Web root directory: /var/www/html/ 

OpenEMR is very version (and OS) independent. The version of MySQL and PHP can be a problem, but on FedoraCore, all the versions should be new enough. We are running FedoraCore 3.0 with PHP 4.3.10 and MySQL 3.23.58-13. OpenEMR is running nicely. 

I’m pretty sure that MySQL 3.23.58-13 is older than the “required version,” but it seems to be working just fine for us. 

After setup.php is working: 

1. Make sure the mysqld is running and that you have access to the mysql root user (able to log on). 
2. When the setup program asks, check the radio button that allows the setup script to create the database. 
3. Enter the root user password down toward the bottom of the form. Press continue. 
4. You should see a bunch of “yes we created this,” “successful creation of that…” It’s a list of about 8 things. If you don’t see this, copy and paste the error message into an e-mail to me. 
5. The statement is to change the permissions on: 
6. As the root user, issue the following command: 
# chmod 777 /var/www/html/openemr/library/sqlconf.php 
7. Then click the “continue” button on the OpenEMR startup script. 
8. As the root user issue the following command: 
# chmod 644 /var/www/html/openemr/library/sqlconf.php 
9. The next startup script screen will ask you to change the owner of: 

In my copy of OpenEMR that I downloaded, two directories seem to be missing: 

* /var/www/html/openemr/interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pntemplates/cache 
* /var/www/html/openemr/interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pntemplates/compiled 

So I create them: 
# mkdir 
# mkdir 

And then: 
# chown apache:apache 
# chown apache:apache 

These last two directories are necessary for the calendar to function correctly. 

The last step is to modify: /var/www/html/openemr/interface/globals.php 

As root using your favorite editor: 
line 10 should read: $webserver_root = "/var/www/html/openemr" 
line 17 should read: $web_root = "/openemr" 

But I keep on getting the following error msg:

Synitech OpenEMR Setup 

Step 4

Writing SQL Configuration to disk… ERROR. Could not open config file (library/sqlconf.php) for writing. 

Kindly extend your helping hand.

Thank you,