OpenEMR restore

eaganchiro123 wrote on Monday, August 24, 2015:


Could someone please explain to me how to do a system restore for OpenEMR 4.2.02 from a backup file on Ubuntu.



visolveemr wrote on Monday, August 24, 2015:

Hello Mike
Backup the OpenEMR instance usig OpenEMR’s buildin tool. Your backup will have two files, openemr.sql.gz and openemr.tar.gz. Extract and copy the openemr.tar.gz file into openemr folder. Drop the database used and create a new one. Extract openemr.sql.gz file and import that into the new database using the command

mysql -u root -p{mysql password} openemr < openemr.sql

This will restore your openemr instance. You can also try the steps in this link.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc | Phone: 408-850-2243
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

fsgl wrote on Monday, August 24, 2015:

In running the restore script, note that the OpenEMR database password is distinct from the MySQL root password.

If the MySQL root password was never set, it is not necessary to supply it, either in restore script or in the import command above.

If it had been set, but forgotten, the Wiki article has a link to a mini-tutorial for resetting it.

Best of luck. Hopefully the record search will result in a quick & easy resolution of the matter.