Openemr rest api does not seem to be starting/listening

One suggestion, so others don’t make such dumb mistakes:
I got my info on how to use the api’s from this page

All of the examples mention localhost:8300, and I didn’t see much obvious on that page that says the examples are tuned for the docker install
If the examples said
curl -X POST ‘http://[openemr root path]/apis/default/api/facility’
instead of
curl -X POST ‘http://localhost:8300/apis/default/api/facility
that would have been much clearer

Similarly, in several threads (such as Cannot get API to work), I’ve seen @brady.miller give example api calls that specify localhost and a port and not add a comment such as “replace localhost:8300 with your domain name and path to the openemr root”. I know, that should be obvious, but there are lots of newbies diving into this :slight_smile:

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