I needed some help configuring the Panel which is a 4 -tier process. I am eable to setup the Single study which is a 3-tier Process.
The link below has the details of creating both the Panel and the Single study but there is a confusing step when creating the 4-tier and am not able to get it clearly.
Hi fsgl,
Thanks for the insight. Yes that is what am trying to achieve, to get to order a whole panel of Electrolytes. The problem I am having is with the steps after creating the top level Chemistry as a group. The 2nd tier of creating the Electrolytes Group and Electrolytes as Procedure order is not very clear. When i follow the wiki steps im not able to Preview and fill in the data for the results. Which is an indication that am missing something out.
I would really appreciate a step by step guide of creating the Panel and have it working.
If you replicate everything in the first image (for Group), save & replicate everything in the second image (for Procedure Order) & save; you should be fine.
When done correctly, you should see Yes under the Order column & 00001 under the Code column:
The next steps are to configure the individual Electrolytes so that they can be ordered separately as well. This 3rd tier will configure Discrete Result, which is helpful for normal values that we don’t keep in our heads.
Configuration for this module requires a little patience, so take your time.
Hi fsgl,
Below is what I have gone, kindly point where I am doing it wrong and how to do it right.
Create Top Level Chemistry Group
Create Electrolytes Group under Chemistry
Create Electrolytes Procedure Order under Electrolytes Group
Create the individuals tests under the Electrolytes Procedure Order.
New Encounter Order Procedure- Select Electrolytes Panel
Save the Procedure Order Form