jaycee6 wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2015:
Can anyone give me information regarding the format OpenEMR outputs patient summaries? ASTM CCR or HITSP C32?
jaycee6 wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2015:
Can anyone give me information regarding the format OpenEMR outputs patient summaries? ASTM CCR or HITSP C32?
visolveemr wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2015:
You can generate patient summary report in both the formats (CCR and CCD) by clicking on the ‘Reports’ link in the Patient Demographics/Patient Summary page. Refer the screenshot ‘Patient_Summary’.
Clicking on the ‘Reports’ link takes us to the reports page, where CCD and CCR reports can be downloaded. Refer the screenshot ‘Reports’.
OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
services@visolve.com | Phone: 408-850-2243
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fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2015:
Unclear from Wiki whether ASTM or HL7.
Both are XML documents.
jaycee6 wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2015:
Thank you very much for that helpful response!!