nightwolf76 wrote on Wednesday, November 15, 2006:
Im not sure if this is experimental still or not, but I am hereby making an effort using all my knowledge and skills, to help those attempting this. Please do not hesitate to seek help from me or let me know anything I may have missed.
First off, here is what you need:
1)Windows server 2003 or Windows XP Professional
2)XAMPP version 1.4.16 (This includes Mysql4 and php4)
3)MySQL Conector Driver (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32)
4)OpenEMR version 2.8.1
5)Internet Explorer 6
This XAMPP version is not the latest but I beleive is the most stable -install it on the server as an Administrator:
Make sure you say yes to installing Apache and MySQL as services
If you get an error on Server 2003 with ports, it is probroly because IIS- The built in Microsoft Web Server, is using port 80 for wither ‘companyweb’ or Exchange. These ports will have to be changed in the IIS management
Once XAMPP is up and running, open the XAMPP control panel and stop the Apache server.
Go to the start menu under Apachefriends Xampp and run the php-switch. Follow the directions and enter 4 to force Apache to use the php4.ini configuration. Restart Apache.
In IE 6 go to localhost. Open the phpmyadmin page and go to privledges. Set a password for the root user.
On the XAMPP control panel, open MySQL admin. If it asks you for a password enter the same as you did in phpmyadmin. Check the .ini tab to make sure that the bind address is the local address of your server.
Shut down MySql window and stop MySql in the Xampp Control Panel
Download mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12 for win32 and install. Start Mysql again. This should get rid of errors and show the appropraite info in the MySQL manager.
Download OpenEMR 2.8.1.
Rename the extracted folder to ‘openemr’. Put this in the htdocs folder in your xampp directory.
Run localhost/openemr in IE.
On the page where passwords are asked for, choose openemr and make up a password for the part where it explains that this password is used when openemer uses php to acccess Mysql.
For the database password, type the same password you used for the root user.
On the last page it asks you to change the path in openemr/interface/globals.php.
this refers to the line
$webserver_root = "C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/openemr";
The path here HAS to be EXACT, even capitalizations or it will not work properly.
Change this to your install path and save.
Back in phpmyadmin, go to priveledges, you will see an openemr user. Change the password on this to the password you chose above for openemr to access mysql using php.
This works perfectly.
PHP Developer