OpenEMR mobile 7 version 4.0.0

penguin8r wrote on Friday, April 08, 2011:

I’ve noticed since upgrading to version 4.0.0 release that the OpenEMR mobile portal no longer works, some kind of user authentication error.
I will be working on it over the weekend, just wondered if anyone else used the mobile portal & had seen the same issue.
That particular bunch of code has apparently not been updated in quite some time, so no big surprise that it’s broken.
One more thing to fix…

bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 08, 2011:

Where’s this code? Is it open sourced?

aperezcrespo wrote on Saturday, April 09, 2011:


  Yes it is opensource.  Here is the link.
This is probably related to the changes in Security (SHA).

Yup,  just tested mine and it no work.


aperezcrespo wrote on Saturday, April 09, 2011:


  If you look in the checklogin.php of OpenEMR Mobile lines 22 read

// encrypt password

So if we are using SHA makes sense that this does not work?


aperezcrespo wrote on Saturday, April 09, 2011:

Hey  Just change,


See I ain’t worthless after all.


penguin8r wrote on Monday, April 11, 2011:

Thanks Alfonso!  I somehow missed that things were changed to SHA in the final release of 4.0.  I was looking at all the wrong things trying to see where the authentication was breaking down.

chakv wrote on Tuesday, April 12, 2011:


I tried installing the mobile add-on. I downloaded the files and put them in the openemr root folder. I edited the /mobile/db/dbfunc.php and also checklogin.php and set the correct DB name , password etc. I am able to see the log in page and when I login using the user name and PW I get a blank page. Can you help me?



chakv wrote on Wednesday, April 13, 2011:


I would appreciate your kind assistance. As per Alfonso I also changed the encryption to SHA. I am getting to the log in page and when I enter the user name and password I get a blank page. Can you help me please?

Incidentally there are two checklogin.php, one under main folder and the other under simple folder. The setting seems to be fairly simple but looks I am doing something not right.



mike-h30 wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:

Is anyone noticing that the SQL is off on the mobile calendar?  The appointments on the mobile calendar do not match the appointments displayed on the calendar of my OpenEMR 4.0 installation.  I am going to look into the SQL and see what is going on.


ajperezcrespo wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:

   What is in your apache log?  See if you have any errors listed there.
  Yup I have seen that before.  After exchanging several emails with the developer of Mobile he said it was something off in SQL. I had no time at the moment to pursue it,  but when I had time to look into it it had cleared up.  No changes in code.  So I have no clues except what the developer mentioned.



mike-h30 wrote on Wednesday, April 20, 2011:

This is pretty cool now that I have it working.  I had to make a couple of adjustments to the SQL though.

1.  JOIN on rather than  

I have some records where is not equal to  This was why the mobile calendar was different than my full installation.

2. I adjusted the WHERE clause of the provider list box to only include providers that have users.calendar = 1.  I only wanted to display providers that had a visible calendar in OpenEMR to only display on the mobile version.

Another thing I noticed is that the calendar events “In Office” and “Out of Office” will display X number of times per number of providers when viewing all providers.  Also,  “In Office” and “Out of Office” will not be visible on every day due to setting WHERE clause on openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_eventDate.  If “In Office” is a recurring event, it will be excluded when focusing solely on pc_eventDate.


mdsupport wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

We had the same issue.  Here is what works most of the times but some times it displays ‘Data error’:

$qs =  "SELECT pid, concat(fname,’ ‘,lname) as name, pc_startTime, pc_catname, pc_hometext " .
"FROM openemr_postcalendar_events as e LEFT OUTER JOIN patient_data as p ON e.pc_pid = " .
"LEFT JOIN openemr_postcalendar_categories as c ON e.pc_catid = c.pc_catid ";
//use today’s date
if(is_null($date) || empty($date) || is_numeric($date)) {
$where_date = “CURDATE()”;
else {
//use a user specified date
//fix date issue
list($year, $month, $day) = split(’’, $date);

$where_date = “’”.$year."-".$month."-".$day."’";

$qs .= "WHERE ( ( e.pc_endDate >= " . $where_date .
" AND  e.pc_eventDate <= " . $where_date .
" AND  e.pc_recurrtype = ‘1’) " .
“OR    (e.pc_eventDate >= " . $where_date .
" AND e.pc_eventDate <= " . $where_date . “)” .
" )”;

mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:


Thanks for the code snippet.  I will give that a try.   I am also considering just limiting the mobile calendar to only view appointment times and avoid this recurring events headache.

BTW - Are the postcalendar tables the best design for a calendar component?


mdsupport wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

The SQL is from the appointments report so it should take care of recurring appointments as well as multiple physicians related issue. 

As far as dropping the recurring appointments, we have seen the recurring events used extensively for physician’s meetings, patient’s routine exams etc.  So eliminating that feature would not be cool.

The OpenEMR project is a normal case where code contributions without overall external framework makes maintenance & enhancements a challenge.  Since the code is ‘free’, these costs are not visible to most.  So the codebase gets more complex as time goes by.

Without getting into the design merits of current database, if major features like calendar get class wrappers, we will not have to dig code in different scripts.  But that is effort for another day.

mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

As far as dropping the recurring appointments, we have seen the recurring events used extensively for physician’s meetings, patient’s routine exams etc.  So eliminating that feature would not be cool.

I am using recurring appointments in a limited fashion at the moment with just “In Office” and “Out of Office” events.  I see your point with “meetings” and other potentially recurring events.  Thanks for sharing the other uses I have not really considered. 


blankev wrote on Sunday, May 08, 2011:

I try to use this mobile-login feature, but DO NOT SUCCEED!

I think I changed every file as stipulated in the PDF, but I get the following error messages:

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() : Access denied for user ‘pimmiq’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) in /home/pimmiq/public_html/mobile/simple/main.php on line 74

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() : A link to the server could not be established in /home/pimmiq/public_html/mobile/simple/main.php on line 74

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() : Access denied for user ‘pimmiq’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) in /home/pimmiq/public_html/mobile/simple/main.php on line 75

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() : A link to the server could not be established in /home/pimmiq/public_html/mobile/simple/main.php on line 75

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() : Access denied for user ‘pimmiq’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) in /home/pimmiq/public_html/mobile/simple/main.php on line 78

I suppose it has to do with the connection to the MySQL database. I can login with normed web based loging screen and do whatever needed to be done, but mobile with the same setting in the DB connection file does not seem to work… ANY advise is welcome.


camiloaguirrez wrote on Monday, June 02, 2014:

Hi, I from Colombia
I add the openemrmobile in htdocs and load de page localhost\openemrmobile, I don´t know whats is the password

i Edit the mobile\db\dbfunc.php file with the correct information for my OpenEMR database.

sorry for my bad english