OpenEMR Live DVD

aperezcrespo wrote on Monday, January 12, 2009:

  Im in the final stages of testing an OpenEMR/PHPGacl/Webmin Ubuntu Live DVD based on current CVS.  Its a basic installation with 5 users (admin,doctor,nurse,accountant and frontdesk).  Password=pass for all .

It loads apache/mysql/php auto logins and startup the desktop and executes firefox pointing to the local install. (SSL is enabled)

SQL-ledger is not installed.
Guarddog firewall installed but not configured.

Finally, it has an installer.
During the install it will request the creation of a user.  Partition the harddrive and install.

All you need to do after install is setup a static IP, configure the firewall and printers.

Root password is openemr

I would like to make it available to the community, but I dont have anywhere to host it for downloading.

It’s an ISO file just shy of 1Gig.

Its probably far from perfect and any suggestions would be appreciated.
