Hi all,
I am trying to install OpenEMR for a small clinic.
Unable to figure out how to connect to a single database.
If there are 3 machines having openemr installed on them, I want them to use to a single database on any of these machines.
I tried installing selecting the “I have already created the database” option.
Strangely the existing users are getting deleted in the host machine referred to here.
Both the laptops are running Windows 7.
Any directions to documentation would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
hi da, install openemr on the machine you would like to be the server and then point the other machines to it, so you only install it once
it’s a webserver that will serve up the emr, so it’s named localhost on the server but if it’s on your local network the clients can open a browser and go to for example
If you are connected in a LAN, then install a single OpenEMR in a machine with a database installed for it. So that you can access that OpenEMR instance in any machine connected in LAN, with the IP of the machine where it is installed. In this case, you will be accessing a single OpenEMR instance(so database will be same).
If you want to use the OpenEMR for different clinics. Then you can use the Multiple sites option. But here, each OpenEMR site need to have seperate database installed for it.