OpenEMR for a PCA agency?

meisterluv wrote on Monday, May 18, 2015:

Hello, I am fairly new to openEMR and was wondering if anyone is using openEMR for in a PCA agency setting. I am currently researching for a very small agency to see if openEMR or a pre-existing software would suit them best taking into account time + money to implement each. Opinions is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

redstapler wrote on Monday, May 18, 2015:

Taying- We are in the discovery process for the very same model. The only conclusion we have come to so far is the synchronization of offline charting could be tricky. For the PCA to chart while providing care internet access would be required. This is assuming it is a multi PCA agency all utilizing the same instance of OEMR in the cloud. I think this would be a significant constraint because internet access in home care can not be assumed.

As I write this we have just started mocking up OASIS charting in OEMR. We need to validate the structured data.

As we move forward I will update this post as to our progress.
