OpenEMR flex docker updated

Yep, but we usually don’t need to update the docker so much. Hopefully no more needed fixes in near future :slight_smile:

Even when we have the Alias feature coming soon :rofl: :rofl: :thinking: :thinking:

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Check out openemr/ at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub step 7; just added more tests (which means more aliases :slight_smile: ).

Wish lists on docker also includes a docker environment setting to turn on api and making the e2e testing work.

Still stuck in setting up OpenEMR after bringing down the volumes, Everything is up to date as confirmed by docker-compose up -d, but my interface is messed up for login and does not display anything after login. Our docker shiny commands also return

Could not open input file: /root/.composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcs
Gone ahead to create an Issue New docker commands not working, even after pulling in latest version of OpenEMR flex · Issue #3253 · openemr/openemr · GitHub , want to check if I am the only one having issues with the docker commands

You mentioned we need a docker environment setting to turn on API, how do you mean? like return a bearer token using Docker?

What if you try sudo docker pull openemr/openemr:flex ?

hi @RachelEllison, been trying to not use sudo docker, so can add your user to the group

 sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

logout and back in

Hi Stephen,

Can you explain the command a bit more? I’m working on an instructional video and want to make sure I can accurately convey the logic of how the command works and why to use it.

When you say log out do you mean from the computer? What if you’re developing on a virtual machine?

hi @RachelEllison, nice, after a user joins a group they have to logout of that terminal session and start a new terminal session, there’s a more elegant way am sure but keeps it simple

user@penguin:~$  sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
[sudo] password for user: 
user@penguin:~$ exit

Great, thanks. Just to clarify, why don’t we want to use sudo with docker? It seems to have been working out okay for me personally.

it’s to avoid collateral damage in case there’s a typo

Collateral damage to what exactly?

your system, here’s a quick find on the web

Got it. I’ll be sure to add that to the next video I’m working on.

thanks for putting that together @RachelEllison

hi @prondubuisi,

Regarding the API turn on, basically mean to turn it on by default (the API is turned off by default in Administration->Globals->Connectors->Enable OpenEMR REST API

You can see examples of how did this in travis:
openemr/.travis.yml at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub
(ignore the docker stuff in this line)

further edit:
the goal would be to have a docker environment setting where can turn the api on by default


For developers. The OpenEMR flex docker has been updated:

  1. Fix to stop changes in package.json and the lock file when using the docker
  2. Migrated from alpine 3.10 to 3.11
  3. Support for e2e testing via following command:
docker exec -i $(docker ps | grep _openemr | cut -f 1 -d " ") sh -c 'export PANTHER_NO_SANDBOX=1; export PANTHER_CHROME_DRIVER_BINARY=/usr/lib/chromium/chromedriver; cd openemr; vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite e2e --testdox'

This docker is used in the docker development environments. So, recommend updating your local flex docker via:
docker pull openemr/openemr:flex

btw, @prondubuisi, sorry about needing to get out another docker so soon; but needed to fix the package.json issue :slight_smile:


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No Worries @brady.miller. My internet Issues will be fixed today. So this update is right on time!



For developers. The OpenEMR flex docker has been updated to better support the developer tools (thank you @prondubuisi for the improvements). This docker is used in the docker development environments. So, recommend updating your local flex docker via:
docker pull openemr/openemr:flex


Hello @brady.miller, I think we now support e2e, the next thing to work on is a docker environment setting to turn on the api, if that is the case, I will go ahead to create an issue for that on Github

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