Hi All,
I am trying to link patient data to the respective diagnosis codes he/she has been assigned with. I am unable to find the specific table/s in the OpenEMR database, where I can find this information. Could someone help??
hi @Alapati_Adithya, it’s stored in the lists table
thank you @Stephen_Waite, i was also looking for CPT & telehealth modifier codes related to a patient in openemr database, could you please confirm it from which table i can identify those codes.
The CPT codes and modifiers can be found in codes table.The prices for corresponding CPT codes will be available in prices table.
also if added to fee sheet will be in ar_activity
table and if billed the billing
but in the codes table of the OpenEMR database we had code field which is having data in length more than 5 letters like ‘C602152’ and only numeric numbers like 29, 75 etc. which are not a CPT code. if not this field which one we can consider.
As of now i had considered the code field from Billing table where i can find data related to CPT codes.
under Admin->Lists->Code types you can see the id of the code type which you should add to your query since all codes not just cpt4 are stored in the codes