Openemr database issue

shihabkb wrote on Friday, September 25, 2009:

This is my first post in this forum.
I am trying to install and setup OpenEMR.
I have installed OpenEMR 3.1.0. After installation I am trying to create a patient. I have Who, Contact, Choices, Employer, Status checkboxes.

Firstly I have given the data for Who check box. It gives me an error "Error: Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘providerID’ at row 1
". After that I have filled all the data for Who,Contact,Choice etc. Then at this time it gives me an error like table history_data doesnot exist.

One more issue when I click on the Authorizations (More) link it gives me an error "Error: Table ‘openemr.transactions’ doesn’t exist". I understand that my data bse is not uptoday. How can I do that. Can somebody help me?

ideaman911 wrote on Friday, September 25, 2009:


I am a little confused by what you wrote - do I understand that the install seemed to go OK, and that you logged in as a user (I presume as admin - pass, and then I hope you created a new user which is actually you, with your own password).  Then you selected to create a new patient, and on a save got the errors.

That sounds like something got corrupt in the database itself.  There are some tools included which can check that, but they are not for the faint of heart.  And I also presume from the fact you were trying to make a new patient that you have no others already there.

If my assumptions are correct, and you are working in Windows, I would suggest the simplest thing would be to remove the installation and start over.  But there is a function which works in DOS Command (you have to turn off the Xampp, Apache & Mysql first, then go to the …/mysql/bin/ directory in the command line window and type:

myisamchk -r and press Enter.

That MAY repair whatever table conflict there is, but I think you simply had an incomplete install, and would be better served to start over.  Sorry.

Joe Holzer Idea Man

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 26, 2009:


No need double posting to different forums. We monitor them all as one. For us to help you, we need more information. Please give us the following information:

1) Your operating system

2) The filename of the openemr package you downloaded (ie. the xampp-openemr package vs. ubuntu vs. appliance vs. etc.)

3) Did you have openemr previously installed?

Then we can go from there.


shihabkb wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:

Thanks for your reply.

My operating system is Windows XP.
downloaded file name is I have downloaded it from

I am installing Open EMR first time.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:


What are your php, mysql, and apache versions (if your using xampp or another equivalent package with these things bundled, just give us the name and version of that)?


shihabkb wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:

Apache : apache_2.0.55-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
MySQL: mysql-essential-5.0.41-win32.msi

I am not using xampp. I have downloaded and followed the instrunction in the

And when I tried to create a patient then I got the error "Error: Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘providerID’ at row 1 ".

shihabkb wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:

Hi All,

I have removed my openemr and trying to start installing new.

My machine operating system is Windows XP.
Apache : apache2.0.55-win32-x86-nossl.msi
MySQL: mysql-essential-5.0.41-win32.msi

I have downloaded from I am following the installation steps

My installation is success. I am able to log on to OpenEMR as admin/pass. I modified the default clinic name (Administration > Facilities). Also I am able to create a new user.

Now I am trying to create a new patient. Error occured. Please find following error occured.

ERROR: insert failed: INSERT INTO patient_data SET pid = ‘1’, date = NOW(), title = ‘Mr.’, fname = ‘Test’, mname = ‘Test’, lname = ‘Test’, pubpid = ‘1’, DOB = ‘1967-09-06’, sex = ‘Female’, ss = ‘’, drivers_license = ‘’, status = ‘’, genericname1 = ‘’, genericval1 = ‘’, genericname2 = ‘’, genericval2 = ‘’, street = ‘’, city = ‘’, state = ‘’, postal_code = ‘’, country_code = ‘’, contact_relationship = ‘’, phone_contact = ‘’, phone_home = ‘’, phone_biz = ‘’, phone_cell = ‘’, email = ‘’, providerID = ‘’, pharmacy_id = ‘0’, hipaa_notice = ‘’, hipaa_voice = ‘’, hipaa_mail = ‘’, hipaa_allowsms = ‘’, hipaa_allowemail = ‘’, hipaa_message = ‘’, occupation = ‘’, language = ‘’, ethnoracial = ‘’, financial_review = ‘’, family_size = ‘’, monthly_income = ‘’, homeless = ‘’, interpretter = ‘’, migrantseasonal = ‘’

Error: Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘providerID’ at row 1

How can I ensure the installation is sucesfull. When I checked the database some tables are not there. Like transation etc.

<b>Can somebody can help me. Please…<b>

drpwayne wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:

You have to change your my.ini file in your MySQL Server 5.0 directory.
The current one will say

    # Set the SQL mode to strict

Change it to:

    # Set SQL mode to ‘’ for openemr to work

Also, in your php.ini file, you want to set

    display_errors = Off

and then restart Apache.

drpwayne wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:

Forgot to add:
You should then reinstall OpenEMR after you make those changes to MySQL and php.  The missing tables will be created.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 28, 2009:


drpwayne is correct. So 4 things to do:

1) modify the my.ini file per above instructions by drpwayne

2) re-install openemr (delete the openemr mysql database and openemr web directory, then re-install)

3) Modify the php configuration file (php.ini) and ensure have all the following settings:

short\_open\_tag = On

max\_execution\_time = 60

max\_input\_time = 90

memory\_limit = 128M

display\_errors = Off

log\_errors = On

register\_globals = Off

post\_max\_size = 30M

magic\_quotes\_gpc = On

file\_uploads = On

upload\_max\_filesize = 30M

4) Restart the apache server

Then should be good. -brady

shihabkb wrote on Tuesday, September 29, 2009:

Thank you all.
Especially drpwayne. Thank you very much drpwayne.

I followed his instructions. Now it working fine for me.

thanks and regrds