OpenEMR at OSCON - Developers Gathering?

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

As you may know Dr Sam Bowen and Tony McCormick are presenters at OSCON in Portland Oregon next month.     We would love to have as many of the developers and contributers to this project get together to meet, talk, share ideas and make some plans!

What do you all say?    The OSCON show is from July 19 to July 23, or presentation is at 4:30 PM on the 21st …  I’m open to any kind of gathering…  there is a ton of space for ad-hoc stuff at this huge convention.

See the O’Reilly Blog about the open source healthcare IT track. Dr Bowen and I will be presenting for OpenEMR ( regarding the ongoing Meaningful Use certification drive Tony

PS: SourceForge throws one of the best parties at this event!  ……

saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

I would like to go … for penny pinching purposes is there any way to get a discount on … looks like the Sessions Only plan is the cheapest that covers you?

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Well you can just come for the exhibitor, they are free (I think).  But the sessions are worth it. 

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, June 26, 2010:

I don’t usually do conventions but I’m giving this some serious thought.  Portland is a perfect destination for a little motorcycle adventure tour from the Bay Area.  :-)  What’s a good day to meet with you guys?


tmccormi wrote on Saturday, June 26, 2010:

That would be great Rod.   I’ll be here all week, of course so I’m open.  Sam probably won’t come in until Tuesday evening, I’ll bet.  Not sure (yet) how long he’ll hang around for after Wednesday (21st).   So… best guess is that we should plan on Wednesday as the official OpenEMR developers day,  Maybe right after the presentation which is at 4:30…   or sometime before it…


drbowen wrote on Saturday, June 26, 2010:

I haven’t actually finalized plans so I am still pretty open.  I was hoping to work in a visit in San Jose with Sena Palanasami  +/- Thomas Wong.

Sam Bowen, MD

tmccormi wrote on Sunday, June 27, 2010:

Maybe they’ll come to Portland too!

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, June 28, 2010:

OK I think I’ll be there all day on the 21st then.  Perhaps we can include dinner in our meetup plans?

By the way is anyone going to the Houston thing in September?  I don’t plan to, but am curious.


tmccormi wrote on Monday, June 28, 2010:

Dinner is a must … :slight_smile:

MI-SQUARED is a sponsor of the September FOSS… so we’ll be there.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 18, 2010:

At the risk of being redundant …

Video of the Certification project presentation by Tony McCormick and Sam Bowen at OSCON Now online