OpenEMR and school based health centers

cfapress wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:

On Aug 6 & 7 I will be attending a conference in Washington DC about EMR software and school based health centers. Since OpenEMR is near-and-dear to my heart I’d like to subtly promote the software whenever possible. This conference seems like a good place for it.

Rest assured I’ll tell great things to anyone who wants to listen. But, do we have any marketing materials other than the web site? I vaguely recall a brochure. Ah, here it is

Is there anything less ‘wordy’ that somebody has designed?


anonymous wrote on Monday, July 27, 2009:

What’s your email address and I can send you something that might help.

openemrhq wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:

Hey Jason,

Send me your email address and I’ll shoot you our OpenEMR brochure. Anyone else who wants it contact me too and I’ll send it out.

Dave Kennerson