Openemr 6 - Upload Documents not Working

can you share a screenshot of those in the whitelist pls?Screenshot from 2021-04-01 15-38-18

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hi @mohamed, it’s working on this 6.0 demo

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@stephenwaite filetype is not accepted. Okay may be i am doing it the wrong way. I downloaded the .odt file from “” then unpacked then browsed and renamed in Destination Filename then uploaded, gives me filetype is not accepted.

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@stephenwaite Its not working in the demo as well. Any ideas ??

hi @mohamed, the demo resets every night/early morning so you’d have to go back to the white list and add it again to test.

you can also disable it in the globals
Screenshot from 2021-04-03 15-44-10

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@stephenwaite not working in the demo as well. Can’t upload .odt file, file type not supported. Already tried while disabling and while allowing in white list.

just uploaded test.odt there

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@stephenwaite yes i can see your file and could upload through patient document list, but can’t upload an odt through Administration > Documents > Document Templates.

just did that too, used destination filename test.odt

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@stephenwaite Yes its working, I figured what was the problem on my side. The Destination Filename must have the EXACT name as the file name, including the extension. The wiki “” states " Remember to give the file the same extension as the word processor." but doesn’t say the destination file name must be exact or this what I understood. All sorted.

the destination filename can be different but needs an .odt extension

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