I am unable to Install the ICD10 2019 Codes eachh time i try to install using Administration->Other-> External Data Loads i get the attached Error. This is a fresh install. kindly help out thanks,
Hi, welcome,
Please provide more information. Such as OS, webserver, database, and versions. Also, directory contrib/icd10 must exist and have server permissions?
check your error log.
hi @gutiersa, think this is independent of those otherwise useful details
unfortunately the 2019 files are in there instead of these so need to download these and copy them into the contrib/icd10
folder for and remove the 2019 files from that folder as well
here’s the corresponding update to the codebase
Thanks for the suggestion, I’m going to try that tomorrow, and revert back.
I actually use Ubuntu server 18, Apache2 webserver, MySQL DB, and my version is 5.0.2(4) even though as stated by @stephenwaite, these are independent of the problem.
Ok Guys i was able to get the ICD10 code dataset imported into my openemr instance. Now i’m having issues importing Snomed and RXNorm. i am not sure which version to download
Looking forward to learning from theis great community. Thanks in advance
Hello @Henry_Terkura_Swende ,
For Importing Snomed, try with RF1 format files instead of RF2 format files
Thanks for the response, I’ll try the RF1 format and revert back. But I thought it was deprecated? I mean the RF1
hi @Henry_Terkura_Swende, try removing the special chars in the filename like the ()
Thanks @stephenwaite the RxNorm installed when I removed the white spaces and special characters.
@Henry_Terkura_Swende your SNOMED filename begins with SnomedCT_RF2Release_US where as it looks from the source code that OpenEMR can only recognise SNOMED files that begin with any of the following: