jackfruit501 wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:
I downloaded openemr-4.2.0.tar.gz and did a fresh installation on Fedora 20 which went smoothly. ICD10 was uploaded and installed but it cannot be seen for coding.
I had no problem with ICD9.
jackfruit501 wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:
I downloaded openemr-4.2.0.tar.gz and did a fresh installation on Fedora 20 which went smoothly. ICD10 was uploaded and installed but it cannot be seen for coding.
I had no problem with ICD9.
bradymiller wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:
Ensure you turn the icd10 code type on in Administration->Lists->Code Types. See http://open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Import_Standard_Tables#Import.2FUpgrade_and_activate_ICD10
fsgl wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:
See attachments.
With a fresh install it would be necessary to import the database. Did you have difficulties with upgrades?
fsgl wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:
Whether install or upgrade, it’s faster & more accurate to use the command line for Ubuntu/Mint. I think you have one of each. No need to run checksum.
jackfruit501 wrote on Tuesday, December 30, 2014:
Thanks. ICD10 coded. Upgraded using the wiki on LinuxMint 17 worked on first try. However demographics cannot be altered still. Also had problem with Native Data Loads RXCUI codes.
Overall v4.2.0 is more responsive than 4.1.2.
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, December 30, 2014:
Quickly re-read Demographics cannot be edited and saved.
Would suggest the Who section of the Demographics layout be replicated like that in the 4.2.0 Demo with the exception of “Optional” for lname. See attachment. Be certain to backup before replication.
RXCUI is the code type for RxNorm. If you can’t import RxNorm via Native Data Loads, try External Data Loads.
jackfruit501 wrote on Tuesday, December 30, 2014:
I noticed finally that I have made mname unused. After changing this to optional the demographics data could be changed! Thanks again. May the New Year be full of joy and success to all.
Attachment :
jackfruit501 wrote on Thursday, January 01, 2015:
I cannot correct/add data to listed “insurance companies”. When the button ‘save’ is clicked it seem to work. However on checking the correction is not saved! Is there a way around this?
fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 01, 2015:
Anything in the error logs?
Had there been any changes in the structure of insurance_companies?
jackfruit501 wrote on Thursday, January 01, 2015:
I cannot remember changing that.
fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 01, 2015:
The structure of your insurance_companies seems o.k.
What did the error logs say?
jackfruit501 wrote on Friday, January 02, 2015:
I did not get any error alert. The update appeared normal and was saved but the data was not written on review!
fsgl wrote on Friday, January 02, 2015:
This is my understanding of the problem:
jackfruit501 wrote on Friday, January 02, 2015:
Hi fsgl,
Would be great if this minor error can be rectified.
fsgl wrote on Friday, January 02, 2015:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in
/var/www/html/openemr/controllers/C_InsuranceCompany.class.php on line 31, referer:
[Fri Jan 02 23:03:06.794399 2015] [:error] [pid 1970] [client] PHP
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
/var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/ORDataObject.class.php on line 125, referer:
Explanation of undefined offset: 0 in & call to a member function … on a non-object.
Because they are Mayan glyphs to me, we need one of the developers to lend a hand.
In the interim, I set up an entry for an insurance company in the Weekly Demo with the phone number 916-222-3333 without stipulating the country code nor the foreign id. See attachment.
I wonder if something is not auto-populating in the phone_numbers table. Insurance phone numbers are not stored in insurance_companies. Compare the table in the 2103 Demo with your phone_numbers. Do you see any clues/discrepancies?
jackfruit501 wrote on Friday, January 02, 2015:
Got it. The phone No. must be in this configuration xxx-xxx-xxxx and not without the hyphens. Just minor omissions but caused alot of hiccough!
fsgl wrote on Saturday, January 03, 2015:
OpenEMR “thinks” every practice is within the U.S., accepting only the xxx-yyy-zzzz format.
The area code (xxx) is hard coded to accept only 3 digits; likewise the exchange, yyy, can only be 3 digits.
Therefore if the phone number in Kuala Lumpur is 3-aaaa-bbbb, one must “humor” OE with 03a-aaa-bbbb. Entering 003-aaaa-bbbb won’t work.
Appeasement (at least in our tiny little sphere) is simpler than a code change.
bradymiller wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2015:
This forcing of US based numbers should be considered a bug and removed. For example, demographics does not force this. Should be an easy fix if anybody wants to take on the project of removing this.
fsgl wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2015:
Just added 3-2222-3333 in the 4.2.0 Demo, Demographics.
OE was falsely accused of being provincial. Can’t make amends by debugging. Don’t know enough to qualify for a GitHub account.