OpenEMR 4.1 is Released!

bradymiller wrote on Friday, September 23, 2011:

OpenEMR 4.1.0 has just been released!!!

It can be downloaded here:

Installation instructions can be found here:

Upgrading instructions can be found here:

New feature list in OpenEMR 4.1.0:
* Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification:
* Clinical Decision Rules (CDR)
* E-Prescribing
* Embedded Internationalized Patient Portal
* Secure SOAP APIs to support third party patient portals
* Graphical form API
* Graphical pain form
* Patient education portal
* Calculation and reporting of Clinical Quality Measure (CQM)
* Calculation and reporting of Automated Measures Calculations (AMC)
* Addition of mechanisms to track/record AMC
* Added a medical record template and WYSIWYG editor (called “Nation Notes”) to the Layout Based Forms (LBF) engine
* Support for standardized immunizations entry (CVX codes)
* Can record patient death (if patient is deceased, then is indicated in the patient summary screen)
* Ability to Hide/Show Left Pane Menu
* Option to color code calendar elements by facility
* Support for importing RXNORM data tables
* Support for importing SNOMED data tables
* New data object/types supported in Layout Based Forms(LBF) and the form generation tool, XMLformgen.
* New CSS theme, babyblue
* Chiropractor assessment form
* Ubuntu package is now compatible with Ubuntu 11.04
* Numerous bug fixes, cosmetic fixes and security fixes

marka1211 wrote on Friday, September 23, 2011:

Congratulations to everyone involved!  I’m downloading it now…

bradymiller wrote on Friday, September 23, 2011:


As part of the release, the ubuntu package has been completely refactored to work with the new ubuntu package gui. This ubuntu package is really cool and can do the following:
1. Install a new instance of OpenEMR
2. Upgrade OpenEMR that was installed by the previous ubuntu packages
3. Upgrade OpenEMR that was installed without the ubuntu package (note OpenEMR needs to be previously installed in the /var/www/openemr directory)

This thing is really cool for the ubuntu users.

Installation instructions:

Upgrade instructions:


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 24, 2011:


The XAMPP/OpenEMR 4.1 package has just been released!!
(This is generally the most popular package downloaded.)


Installation instructions:

(hopefully will get the OpenEMR Appliance and Official Demo out within the next couple days; then this release cycle will be officially finished :slight_smile: )


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:


The OpenEMR 4.1 Demo has just been released:

(note it also give a demo link to the patient portal)


zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

If you want a link to the free offsite Patient portal here are the credentials.
provider ID: zhdemo
user name: eldho
password: shihas@123


zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

Sorry the domain name is
provider ID: zhdemo
user name: eldho
password: shihas@123


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:


That would be awesome; just need to ensure that it will be permanent (and assurance it will remain a free service). When have time, will configure the demo with this.


zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

It is Free and Permanent.  That’s the whole idea. 

If users want customized features like private branding, Voice response systems, credit card processing et cetera we do that for a fee because the respective vendors do.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:


The OpenEMR 4.1 Appliance has been released, which concludes the release sprint :slight_smile:

It can be downloaded (along with links to installation/upgrade manuals) here under the ‘Appliance’ heading:

I’d like to thank Andrew Dyer for contributing some cool new stuff to the Appliance package (a new introduction screen, new backup script, installation instructions for VirtualBox, and miscellaneous manual clarifications). His new introduction screen simply put a big smile on my face, which can be seen beow:


bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 07, 2011:

Hi Shameem and everybody else,

I incorporated Z&H’s patient portal in the demo here:

This stuff is all run through API’s within OpenEMR, so is nice to demonstrate what can be done. However, this portal by Z&H is a third party demo(so pretty much impossible to make it vendor neutral), so I tried to make this very clear. Was hoping to get the communities feedback/thoughts on the current layout of this demo page (ie. is this ok or should the third party stuff like this get relegated to another page or does it have no place on the wiki etc.):
