OpenEMR 4.1.2 Patch

fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:

Thank you, Brady.

It was very easy to install.

I know the patch addressed only the security issue, but no funny color in the Out Event nor any undoing of the work-around for Bug #1.

Demo’s have not given up the ghost but still wearing the old PHP clothes. We appreciate any effort toward the PHP upgrade, even failed ones.

cmswest wrote on Monday, February 17, 2014:

Hello, i’m looking into cverk’s hard wired calendar colors

in addition to the hard wired out event color, you can’t change the background facility appointments color in the admininstration->facilities after patching 4.1.2

i don’t think editing interface/themes/ajax.calender.css will differentiate 2 facilities

i’ll try searching for the variables in administration->facilities that should be handling this to see if we can finally swat this pesky bug

cmswest wrote on Sunday, February 23, 2014:

debug # 1 update:

it’s really due to the fact that out events have no duration and they’re being treated like other events in :

so the calendar naturally bumps the booked time slot above the out event over as they’re technically sharing 1 second together

maybe change the default of out event to match whatever the global appt interval is?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, February 24, 2014:

Hi Stephen,

Was there another post here on this thread regarding another one of your commits (I received it via email but it is not showing up in this thread):

I just committed it to the codebase and will include it in the next 4.1.2 patch. Just want to make sure you wanted it committed.


cmswest wrote on Monday, February 24, 2014:

here it is:

i did want that simple fix committed

thanks Brady

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, March 02, 2014:


The 5th patch for OpenEMR 4.1.2 has been released:

It includes the following new features/fixes:
–Support CMS-1500 02/12 new format - contributed by Kevin Yeh
–Security fixes - contributed by Fikri Fadzil and bradymiller
–Fixed color for facility style calendar - contributed by Stephen Waite
–Fix for pharmacy dispensory access controls - contributed by bradymiller
–Typo fix for subscriber phone - contributed by cverk


blankev wrote on Sunday, March 02, 2014:

In the latest patch (5) you mention:

–Fix for pharmacy dispensory access controls - contributed by bradymiller

Who is allowed to do what? Or does this fix need an additional text in the WIKI pages and can this fix make a USER to only have the access for the Pharmacy and Dispensary module?

If this Patch is included in the regular Demo V.4.1.2 There can be an additional Pharmacy-person with it’s own Login and Password credential?

Please advise if there are some additional changes to be made in the WIKI pages.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, March 02, 2014:


The pharmacy dispensory change is a bug fix in the left menu screen. Now a user with the pharmacy dispensory access control (ie. super is no longer required) will see both the ‘Management’ and ‘Destroyed’ selections in the Inventory menu section. No changes in wiki are needed.

This patch is not included in the official 4.1.2 demo. In the future, could add the option of a Pharmacy user to the logins for the next OpenEMR version release demo (just remind me before the demo is built).


blankev wrote on Monday, March 03, 2014:

Brady, do you believe in my ETERNAL memory? Tnx…

I encountered other problems, but I am still working to find a solution.

Creating a Pharmacy Administrator. Give any person the right of Pharmacy and Dispensary and the SuperUser, this person can not see Demographics, also not the patient history, but can add and delete many other things and not only the Drugs and Dispensary.

Where can I modify the SUPERUSER options, or create someone like a SUPERUSER that can have the permission to ADD and DELETE drugs and inventory without giving the permission to see any patient related parts of OpenEMR.

SuperUser permissions is one of the many options for the Administrator permissions. But deleting most of the permissions does not exclude completely the views of Patient history etc.

I know this is theory since most Doctor will add and delete Drugs and Inventory, but sometimes there is a need to ask an outsider, non-medical person, to help with inclusion or deleting drugs and inventory.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, March 03, 2014:

Hi Pieter,

Yes, I believe in your eternal memory :slight_smile:

Right now, with the most recent bug fix, all the drug dispensary features (except for Delete) are controlled via the “Pharmacy Dispensary” (admin->drugs) aco. So, do not need the “Superuser” (admin->super) unless want to allow a user to Delete a drug. I guess the question is whether the Delete should also be controlled by the “Pharmacy Dispensary” aco, which would be very easy to change in the codebase; any thoughts on this?


blankev wrote on Monday, March 03, 2014:

My thought on this is as follows:

Any doctor can be hold responsible for his deeds if this doctor see some medical information. At least the doctor can be told that whenever he/she sees medical information it is supposed to be in the field of Hypocrates and is a secret.

If there is need to have an important change in Drug, Inventory, even other products and this is done by a non medical trained person, the medical information should be hidden for spying eyes. (This could lead to a breech, or something for conformation to HIPAA rules IMHO).

What I met in my discovery challenge towards better understanding GACL is that there are about 10 login options (Administration, Accountancy, Doctor, Physician, Nurse, Frontdesk, etc … ) fine-tuned for what they can see and what they can do. (Calendar, SuperBill, Patients, Drugs and Inventory, etc )

The SuperUser can DELETE, ADD, CHANGE…

All others are restricted in some way derived from modules. What I did not investigate, is what happens if some modules are “Allow” -ed and some modules are “Deny” -ed and so fine-tune a lay-person to get the correct Allow-s and Deny-s for medical information. Make a Child for a Child for a child in ACO and ARO. But if it is so easy, please guide me towards the correct place, since the explanation in the WIKI is from the 2.9.0 and 3.0 versions and some of the names of the mentioned files are changed or hidden in another Directory and not as shown in the WIKI about phpGACL.

(But having computers with terra- Harddisks, Cloud storage, intelligent control/use of the Add function of Drug and Inventory, there is hardly a need to DELETE. So my question might be more of theoretical interest and not of any practical use for the average OpenEMR addict)

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:


The 6th patch for OpenEMR 4.1.2 has been released:

It includes the following new features/fixes:
–Security fixes - contributed by Brady Miller
–Bug fix of immunization expiration date - contributed by Stephen Waite
–Bug fix for billing HCFA 1500 - contributed by Kevin Yeh
–Bug fix for billing CMS 1500 - contributed by Sunset Systems
(will be using this patch to build the new ubuntu/debian package in near future)


fsgl wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

There is always a sigh of relief when the correct numeral is bookended by the parentheses.

Thank you for the patch and the much anticipated package.

Time for some restorative zzzzz followed by a hearty breakfast.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

Jumping Jehosaphat!

That funny pumpkin orange color for Out-of-Office event got fixed, too.

Another reason to be happy.

iankarlwallace wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:

Brady - Thanks for the patch update. Will incorporate this into the
working doing to try and release a Debianized pkg that can go into Debian
Med. Do you have any preference on how we name the packages? I am
thinking there are two styles we could use:

openemr_4.1.2p6-1 (4.1.2 patch 6 Debian version 1)
openerm_4.1.2.6-1 (again patch 6 Debian version 1)

Any preference? In talking with the Debian Med guys I think I will have to
include the patches separately since they are rely on packaging from the
upstream tar ball. I’m not allowed to just willy nilly create my own tar
ball …


On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 4:25 AM, fsgl wrote:

Jumping Jehosaphat!

That funny pumpkin orange color for Out-of-Office event got fixed, too.

Another reason to be happy.

OpenEMR 4.1.2 Patch

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Ian Wallace - CCRMC DFM Staff Physician - (c) 303.681.5732

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:


The patch 6 was missing a updated file(library/Claim.class.php). See here for details:

Just uploaded a fixed patch file.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:

Hi Ian,

If it helps, the new package I’ll be releasing will be called:

It’s actually rare for OpenEMR to have more than one release per version (in this case second was to deal with a bug that broke installation and the third is to fix the ubuntu/debian package itself); do note in these situations a new tarball is created(likely will be ready in couple more days). If a naming convention is needed for deb packages, let us know so can work it into the workflow. Patches have been done manually up to this time (a lot of this is because there are no resources to have a process for more automated patch updates across platforms).

What’s your likely timeframe for a working package? Guessing the 4.1.3 release will likely happen in several months.


blankev wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:

When will be the ETA of inclusion be for the Graph all and Document templates?

For the Document templates I am almost ready to use one of the older solutions, but am still in favor of ready steady go…

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:

Because 4.1.3 will not be ready for 2+ more months (my interpretation of “several”), install the package suggested by Brady in this and the 2 other subsequent posts.

Don’t have to move the openemr directory nor get the json extension with the above cited package.

“Bird in hand…”, if patience is not your strong suit.

If patience comes easily, 2+ months is not a long wait. You’ve lived without Track Anything and Documents Templates for decades. A few months is but a blip in time.

iankarlwallace wrote on Wednesday, June 11, 2014:

Brady - Hey. I was initially trying to make the Debian version of the
package actually work with the FHS but I think I will actually be reverting
back to just moving to the /var/www/html directory and then start slowly
picking it apart.

There are several things that we have included in OpenEMR that are actually
provided in Debian as packages (phpgacl, php5-adodb, and of course
phpMyAdmin). Eventually to submit a package that will be accepted I am
thinking that the Debian folks would want us to remove the duplicated
items. My strategy is basically:

  1. Package under /var/www/html with symlink from /var/www/openemr to dir in
  2. Get the Apache configuration working correctly
  3. Starting working on the Mysql aspect of things

Most of the packages that use a database are now using some tool that helps
with the db configuration/updates in Debian. I haven’t looked at it but we
might be able to replace part of the scripts with it. I am a bit nervous
in moving lots of things around since you have a working package (just not
in the Debian repos).

I’ll keep working on it.


Ian Wallace 303-681-5732

On Jun 9, 2014, at 10:09 PM, “Brady Miller”

Hi Ian,

If it helps, the new package I’ll be releasing will be called:

It’s actually rare for OpenEMR to have more than one release per version
(in this case second was to deal with a bug that broke installation and the
third is to fix the ubuntu/debian package itself); do note in these
situations a new tarball is created(likely will be ready in couple more
days). If a naming convention is needed for deb packages, let us know so
can work it into the workflow. Patches have been done manually up to this
time (a lot of this is because there are no resources to have a process for
more automated patch updates across platforms).

What’s your likely timeframe for a working package? Guessing the 4.1.3
release will likely happen in several months.


OpenEMR 4.1.2 Patch

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